Husbands, History, Trivia, and Corsets

My husband has always been a student of military and naval history. He spouts off bits of arcane knowledge – types of cannon, length of ships, dates of battles – which really don’t matter to anything or anyone (at least, they don’t matter to me). On our recent visit to […]

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You Can Go Home Again, Sometimes

My father recently made a huge road trip through the Western United States. One of his stops was Pratt, Kansas, where he was born. He had last been in Pratt about fifteen years ago. On that visit, he tried to find the house where he was born and lived until […]

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What Books Don’t (or Won’t) You Read?

It just so happened that last Wednesday, I read two articles about when and why readers quit reading a book before they finish it. One was Guilt Complex: Why Leaving a Book Half-Read Is So Hard, by Heidi Mitchell, in the Wall Street Journal, June 5, 2013; the other was […]

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Reunions, Memories, Age, and Wonder

I recently received a notice about my fortieth high school reunion this fall. Fortieth!!! How can it be forty years since I graduated from high school? I still feel seventeen. Well, except when my back hurts. And my knees creak. I remember when I was fifteen and my parents went […]

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