Grandpa and the Grandchildren’s Gallery

This past weekend we buried my father-in-law. He was the first grandparent my children and their cousins lost.  As the family mourned, of course, we told our stories. The four cousins – my son and daughter, and my nephew and niece – were close in age, born between 1978 and […]

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Central Planning . . . or Planning Central

I’ve written before about my planning abilities. They are being severely taxed this week, as we gather the family for my father-in-law’s funeral. Throughout the week, we are coordinating the arrival at the Kansas City airport of my two adult children, and my husband’s sister and her husband, cousin, niece […]

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Death and Taxes

As the saying goes, nothing is certain but death and taxes. My father-in-law died this past weekend, and I am with my mother-in-law. Please re-read my June 11 story about my father-in-law and the fireflies to see what a fine man we lost. But I will have to get back […]

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The Pitfalls of Planning

I am a really good planner and organizer. I don’t say this boastfully, but as a matter of fact. I keep a detailed to-do list, complete with due dates and timeframes. I schedule work time on my calendar, with specific things to finish in each block of time. I relish […]

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