I’m a Grandmother!

Over the past many months, one thing I have not written about was my soon-to-be status as a grandmother. My daughter had a baby last week—my first grandchild. I can’t post a picture, nor reveal the child’s name, because I have promised my daughter I would not do so without […]

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My Mother’s Dish Towels

Before I married in November 1977, my mother gave me six dish towels. “Here,” she said. “I received a dozen of these when I was married, and I want you to have some.” She and my father married in June 1955. The towels had had some use, but I think […]

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Locked Out

As part of my due diligence in preparing to sell our current house, I have been collecting all the keys we’ve given to various people over the years. We have specialized Medeco deadbolt locks on the house which use keys that can’t be duplicated easily, so I’ve kept fairly tight […]

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Sounds of Cicadas

Many memories are triggered by milestone anniversaries—things that happened five or ten or twenty-five years ago. But this memory of mine returned because of a seventeen-year anniversary. The seventeen-year cicadas are back this summer. It’s been so rainy that I haven’t been outside to hear them much, but the news reports […]

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