My 500th Post

post-milestone-500-2xBy WordPress’s calculations, this is my 500th post. I’ve been blogging on this site for just under five years.

I really don’t know whether I thought this blog would last five years. It’s seen me through a lot. My mother’s decline into Alzheimer’s and move into assisted living. A daughter’s broken leg and surgery. My parents’ deaths. The launch of a really helpful critique group. Publication of a short anthology and three novels (one under a pseudonym, but the labor pains were just as great as for the books published under my own name). My husband’s retirement.

I’ve written about many of these topics, and about much more as well. Writing the posts is time-consuming and takes away from the time I can spend writing novels. But I like reflecting on where I’ve been in life and where I’m going. I don’t know how long I’ll keep blogging. Will it be another 500 posts? It will depend on where life takes me in the next approximately five years.

As the tag line to the blog says, this is one writer’s journey through life and time.

Thank you for making the journey with me.


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