Putting a Little Zest in Life

A friend and I recently exchanged emails about cooking. Neither of us is the cook our mothers were, but my friend said she had more time on her hands to cook because of the pandemic. I hate to cook, but I’m desperate for a greater variety of meals. She mentioned […]

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I Am Tired of Cooking

Occasionally on this blog, I have posted some of my favorite recipes. Readers will intuit pretty quickly that these are easy recipes. And my modifications to the original recipes make them easier yet. I do not like to cook. I have never liked to cook. Not since my brother wrecked […]

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Recipe: “Easy” Lemon Chicken

A couple of months ago, I thumbed through the recipe box my mother gave me before I was married. I don’t remember what I was looking for, but what I found was her recipe for Easy Lemon Chicken. This wasn’t a recipe from my childhood, and I don’t know where […]

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Recipe — Lemon Bread

Unlike me, my father liked to cook. In fact, he paid part of his way through college as a short-order cook for his fraternity. When my father traveled and found a food item he liked, he cajoled the cook into giving him the recipe so he could make it himself. […]

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My Grandmother’s Jell-O

As a child, I spent a lot of time with my maternal grandmother, my Nanny Winnie. My mother, brother, and I even lived with my grandparents for a few months when I was small. So I know Nanny Winnie cooked for me a lot. But I don’t remember any signature […]

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The Squash Dish

One of our family’s go-to recipes is what we call “the squash dish.” I don’t have any better name for it. It was either my sister’s or my brother’s family that started making this, and I don’t know where they found it. But once we tried it at a family […]

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